Sunday, November 18, 2007

Island People Mas Fashion Show

Wyatt Gallery, a friend and fellow photographer, has a costume company, called Island People Mas, for Trinidad's Carnival festival. A few days ago his company had a fashion show to unveil this years costumes and I went to photograph the party for him. This is one photo showing 2 of the costumes. I don't normally shoot "runway" photos, but for this party I decided to try to make a few fun photos during the runway show that are not typical runway photos. If you want to see more of the costumes, check the Island People Mas website

Stolen Tire

Well, it finally happened to my 16 year old bicycle. As you can see from the photo, someone cut my lock and stole the rear tire to my bicycle the other night. I have had that bike locked on the street since 1993, so I guess it had a good run, but it really sucks that someone would cut a lock to steal one 16 year old tire. Luckily a nice neighbor found another rear wheel on the street and gave it to me. It does not fit properly, but the bike rolls and that is good enough for now.

Friday, November 9, 2007

My brother's mezuzzah

After helping my brother unpack into his apartment his fiancé arrived and they hung their first mezuzzah together. They are such good jews, they even keep kosher.
Personally, I love pork chops too much to keep kosher.

Moving my brother to Houston, Texas

Last month I helped my brother Rob move out of his house in Urbana Illinois and into his apartment at the Bel Air in Houston Texas. He will only be in this apartment for 6 months, but the building is absolutely massive (and they don't recycle). And the distance from the loading dock door to his apartment door was 1.3 football fields each way... Luckily his company hired movers for his stuff.